Timberlake Pediatrics 8118 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823

Common Developmental Milestones: A Guide for Parents

Understanding developmental milestones can provide valuable insight into your child's growth and help identify any potential developmental delays. 

If you need guidance on your child's development, visit Timberlake Pediatrics located in Sacramento, CA. 

Motor Skills

Motor skills can be broken down into two categories - gross motor skills, which involve large muscle groups for activities like crawling, walking, and running, and fine motor skills, which involve smaller muscle groups for tasks like picking up objects, drawing, and writing.

Generally, by the age of 6 months, most babies can roll over, sit up with support and grasp objects. 

By 12 months, they should be able to crawl, stand with support and grasp objects with a pincer grasp.

Encourage development by providing opportunities for tummy time and playing with toys that promote grasping and hand-eye coordination.

Language and Communication

Language development isn't just about their words! Babies communicate through cries, coos and gestures. By 12 months, most babies can say a few simple words and understand simple commands. 

You can help their development by reading to them, talking to them throughout the day and responding to their attempts to communicate with you.

If you have concerns about your child's language and communication development, book an appointment at Timberlake Pediatrics, Sacramento, CA. 

Social and Emotional Development

These milestones involve learning to interact with others, regulating emotions and developing a sense of empathy. At just a few months of age, babies can show signs of social awareness, such as smiling in response to your face. By 18 months, toddlers may begin to comfort you if you are upset. 

You can help them by letting them interact with others, praising positive behavior and helping them understand emotions.

Cognitive Development

Babies are constantly exploring and learning about the world around them. By 6 months, they may begin to understand object permanence, realizing that objects still exist even when they can't see them. By 2 years old, toddlers may start to engage in pretend play and solve simple problems.

Self-Help Skills

These skills involve tasks like feeding, dressing and toileting. By 18 months, most toddlers can feed themselves with their fingers and drink from a cup. By 3 years old, they may be able to dress themselves with minimal assistance and use the bathroom independently.

Book Your Appointment Today

 It's important to remember that every child develops at their own pace! If you have concerns about your child's development, book an appointment at Timberlake Pediatrics, Sacramento, CA by calling 916-688-5040.

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