Timberlake Pediatrics 8118 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823

What Are 3 Signs Your Child Might Have Diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes is a chronic disease that can affect how your child processes sugar. It’s important that if your child has diabetes, they get the treatment that they need. If they aren’t receiving proper care and management, this can lead to long-term issues that can affect how they live each day. It’s important to be able to recognize signs that may point to your child dealing with diabetes. Our pediatricians at Timberlake Pediatrics in Sacramento, CA, can explain some signs that could point to diabetes with your child.

3 Signs of Childhood Diabetes

There are many symptoms that could lead to your child dealing with diabetes, but there are a few significant symptoms that our pediatrician in Sacramento, CA, can point out. One common symptom is increased thirst. You might notice that your child is suddenly always thirsty and needing water, even after just drinking. Along with this is frequent urination.

Another common sign is that your child has unintentional weight loss. You might notice that your child has recently lost a significant amount of weight, even if there’s no specific reason for that weight loss. It’s important to monitor your child’s weight and tell your pediatrician about any significant changes that may occur.

Your child may also experience fatigue and irritability. Changes in their behavior may seem sudden and intense. This could be a sign of diabetes and it’s important to talk to their pediatrician to find out what could have caused these sudden changes.

Symptoms of diabetes typically develop quickly and it’s important to talk to your pediatrician when you notice any of these sudden changes.

Contact Our Pediatrician Today

Make sure that your child’s diabetes is noticed quickly. Contact your pediatricians at Timberlake Pediatrics in Sacramento, CA, to learn more about diabetes and how to identify it in your child. Call for more information today at (916) 688-5040.

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